Keune Color Chameleon Orange 60ml


Customisation for every commitment and bravery level; from high end pastel to fashion-forward vivid with direct pigment shades, plus two shade shifters.  Open a box of infinite possibilities; Color Chameleon delivers something for everyone

These nine intermixable shades come in Yellow, Orange, Red, Maroon, Magenta, Rose, Violet, Blue and Green. The two shade shifters to either deepen or pastelize your color come in Clear or Dark

Colors may slightly vary in physical due to lighting and photographic shades.
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SKU: AR-002628

Customisation for every commitment and bravery level; from high end pastel to fashion-forward vivid with direct pigment shades, plus two shade shifters.  Open a box of infinite possibilities; Color Chameleon delivers something for everyone

These nine intermixable shades come in Yellow, Orange, Red, Maroon, Magenta, Rose, Violet, Blue and Green. The two shade shifters to either deepen or pastelize your color come in Clear or Dark