Sweet Face Talcum Powder Bouquet Small


Sweet Face Talcum Powder Bouquet Small

Experience the gentle, floral scent of Sweet Face Talcum Powder Bouquet. a luxurious body powder with a light, natural scent. Soft and gentle on the skin, this powder absorbs moisture and provides long-lasting protection and comfort from chafing. Enjoy the confidence of a powder with superior protection and a precious fragrance.
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SKU: AR-004703

Sweet Face Talcum Powder Bouquet Small

Experience the gentle, floral scent of Sweet Face Talcum Powder Bouquet. a luxurious body powder with a light, natural scent. Soft and gentle on the skin, this powder absorbs moisture and provides long-lasting protection and comfort from chafing. Enjoy the confidence of a powder with superior protection and a precious fragrance.

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